22 octubre 2020

ZepzelcaTM y Yondelis Proporcionan una Acción Oncoterapéutica Adicional , Según el Estudio Publicado en la MDPI : Specific Effects of Trabectedin and Lurbinectedin on Human Macrophage Function and Fate—Novel Insights .


Background: Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) play a crucial role in suppressing the immunosurveillance function of the immune system that prevents tumor growth. Indeed, macrophages can also be targeted by different chemotherapeutic agents improving the action over immune checkpoints to fight cancer. Here we describe the effect of trabectedin and lurbinectedin on human macrophage cell viability and function. 

Methods: Blood monocytes from healthy donors were differentiated into macrophages and exposed to different stimuli promoting functional polarization and differentiation into tumor-associated macrophages. Cells were challenged with the chemotherapeutic drugs and the effects on cell viability and function were analyzed. 

Results: Human macrophages exhibit at least two different profiles in response to these drugs. One-fourth of the blood donors assayed (164 individuals) were extremely sensitive to trabectedin and lurbinectedin, which promoted apoptotic cell death. Macrophages from other individuals retained viability but responded to the drugs increasing reactive oxygen production and showing a rapid intracellular calcium rise and a loss of mitochondrial oxygen consumption. Cell-membrane exposure of programmed-death ligand 1 (PD-L1) significantly decreased after treatment with therapeutic doses of these drugs, including changes in the gene expression profile of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α)-dependent genes, among other. 

Conclusions: The results provide evidence of additional onco-therapeutic actions for these drugs.

COVID19. Dr. Cesar Carballo : Aplidin ( Pharmamar ) de Ratificar Que Reduce la Carga Viral ... Reduciría : *. Los Aislamientos a 4 Días, *. Los Ingresos en Hospitales, *. Los Ingresos en las UCIS y *. El Número de Muertes. A Mitad de Fase III y Según se Vayan Obteniendo Resultados ... Se Podría Pedir una Aprobación "EXPRÉS" .


COVID19 . Pharmamar Celebra Hoy la Cumbre Clave Para el Aplidin . Reunión de los Responsables del Ensayo Para Validar el Protocolo de la Fase III Que se Presentara Ante la FDA, EMA y Aemps. Fase III a Realizar en EEUU , Francia , Italia y España .


COVID19 . Aplidin . Belén Sopesèn ( Directora De la Unidad de Virología de Pharmamar ) : APLIDIN No Solo Reduce la Carga Viral... Si No Que Va Acompañada de Una Mejoría Clínica Mejorando La Inflamación.


COVID19 . Brasil Informa de la Muerte de un Voluntario de la Vacuna de Oxford. No Especificaron de Qué Forma, Ni Si Recibió la Dosis o un Placebo .

Covid-19: Remdesivir Tiene Poco o Ningún Impacto en la Supervivencia .