04 marzo 2009

Kahalalide - B , C , D , K , V , W , X , Y .

Kahalalides V-Y isolated from a Hawaiian collection of the sacoglossan mollusk Elysia rufescens.

Kahalalide - A y su proceso de Sintesis .

Ganesan A.
School of Chemistry, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK.

Solid-phase synthesis is a powerful tool for achieving high-throughput chemistry. This review discusses recent diverse examples from my group: the solid-phase synthesis of unsymmetrical guanidines, polymer-supported versions of cyclooctadiene and 9-BBN, a triflate-like linker, the synthesis of tetrahydro-beta-carbolines by the acyliminium Pictet-Spengler reaction, and a total synthesis of the antimycobacterial cyclic depsipeptide natural product kahalalide A.

Kahalalide - A y Analogos , Proceso de Sintesis .

Ya que salio el tema de los Kahalalides y analogos varios ...

Bourel-Bonnet L, Rao KV, Hamann MT, Ganesan A.
School of Chemistry, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom.

The marine natural product kahalalide A, a cyclic depsipeptide, was prepared by total synthesis on solid-phase. A backbone cyclization strategy was followed, using the Kenner sulfonamide safety-catch linker. By NMR comparison of synthetic and naturally isolated material, the stereochemistry of the methylbutyrate side chain was established as (S). Several analogues were synthesized and tested for antimycobacterial activity. The results indicate that the alcohol functional group in the serine and threonine residues is important, while the methylbutyrate side chain can be replaced by an achiral hexanoate with an increase in activity.

Un test gratuito permite el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer de colon .

El 90% de los casos de cáncer de colon se curaría con una detección precoz .

El origen de estos tumores está en los pólipos, unas pequeñas heridas que tardan entre 5 y 10 años en evolucionar hasta convertirse en tumor. Pese a desarrollarse tan lentamente, la falta de detección precoz sitúa al de colon en el segundo lugar de causa de muerte por cáncer (detrás del de pulmón). ...

El cáncer de mama dejará de tratarse con quimioterapia . Las terapias biológicas ganarán peso .

El cáncer de mama dejará de tratarse con quimioterapia . Las terapias biológicas ganarán peso .

Fármacos contra vascularización tumores aumentan luego capacidad invasiva .