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24 octubre 2023
GRIFOLS LLEGA A UN ACUERDO CON PEACHES BIOTECH . GRÍFOLS Suministrará Células Madre Para su Nuevo Tratamiento Durante la Fase de Ensayos Clínicos, Que se Utiliza Para "" SOLVENTAR FÍSTULAS DERIVADAS DE LA ENFERMEDAD DE CROHN "" .
PHARMAMAR Presentará los Resultados del Tercer Trimestre 2023 este Jueves . Repaso Sobre los Resultados de 2020 , 2021 , 2022 ... Y Primer Semestre 2023 . Gráficas : Histórica , Últimos Tres Años y Año Presente .
SMALL_CELL_LUNG_CANCER // ESMO23 // ROCHE . PRESENTA EXCELENTES RESULTADOS Con un Beneficio a Largo Plazo de la Combinación de ATEZOLIZUMAB Más CARBOPLATIN MÁS ETOPÓSIDO en el Cáncer de Pulmón de Células Pequeñas en Estadio Extenso ( ES-SCLC ) : Análisis Exploratorio del Estudio IMfirst . 0VERALL SURVIVAL ( OS ) A LOS 24 MESES : 17:7 % .
El Estudio IMpower133 Demostró Que el Tratamiento con ATEZOLIZUMAB ( ATZ ) + CARBOPLATIN + ETOPÓSIDO Mejoró la SUPERVIVENCIA GENERAL (SG) y LA SUPERVIVENCIA LIBRE DE PROGRESIÓN ( SSP ), y Mostró un Beneficio a Largo Plazo ( [ LTB ] Definido Como SG ≥18 Meses ) en Pacientes con ES. -SCLC .
Long-Term Benefit Of ATEZOLIZUMAB Plus Chemotherapy In EXTENSIVE STAGE SMALL CELL LUNG CÁNCER ( ES-SCLC ) : Exploratory Analysis From The IMfirst Study .
- Maria Rosario Garcia Campelo (A Coruña, Spain)
The IMpower133 Study Demonstrated That Treatment With ATEZOLIZUMAB (ATZ) + CARBOPLATIN + ETOPÓSIDE Improved OVERALL SURVIVAL (OS) and PROGRESSIÓN FREE SURVIVAL (PFS), And Showed Long-Term Benefit ([LTB] defined as OS ≥18 Months) in Patients With ES-SCLC . To date, No Patient Characteristics Have Been Identified And Validated to Predict Long-Term Benefit From Chemo-Immunotherapy, And Limited Data Exist Regarding Long-Term Benefit in a Real-World (RW) Clinical Setting . We Previously Reported The Primary Safety And Efficacy Results of IMfirst (EudraCT: 2019-002784-10), a Phase IIIb, Single Arm Study of ATEZOLIZUMAB + CARBOPLATIN (C) in Patients With Untreated ES-SCLC in a RW Clinical Setting in Spain . Here We Present The Exploratory Ltd Analysis From IMfirst .
Methods :
In This Exploratory Analysis, we Characterized Long-Term Benefit Patients ( Defined as Patients Who lived ≥24 Months ) . Association of Long-Term Benefit / No- Long-Term Benefit With Patient’s and Disease Characteristics Was Evaluated With The Chi-Square Or Fisher’s Exact Test . A
Results :
A total of 155 Patients Were Enrolled; 25 Met The Long-Term Benefit Criteria .
Median Follow-Up was 28.4 Months (data cut off: 14 Dec 2022) .
Median OS [95% CI] was 10.0 [8.6, 11.9] Months in The OVERALL Population and OS at 24 months was 17.7% . Variables with Significant Association with Long-Term Benefit / Non - Long-Term Benefit Patients included Tumor burden (TB) at Baseline ( high TB Defined as Patients with either SLD ≥60 mm, 2 or more Metastatic sites, or LDH > ULN ), prior Radiotherapy (RT) at baseline, and consolidation RT (Table) . None of the 17 Patients with ECOG PS 2 Were classified as Long-Term Benefit .
More Immune-Mediated Adverse Events Were Reported in Long-Term Benefit (16%) Compared to Non - Long-Term Benefit (0.8%) Patients .
This Exploratory Analysis From IMfirst, Though limited due to its SMALL Sample Size, Demonstrates LTB From ATEZOLIZUMAB + CARBOPLATIN in a Broader ES-SCLC Patient population, and suggests Potencial Patient characteristics Associated with Long-Term Benefit / Non - Long-Term Benefit .