21 junio 2017

Yondelis Paso Ayer su 21 Revisión ante la EMA con el sello de "" Authorized "" .

20/06/2017Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR):Yondelis,
trabectedin .

Revision: 21, Authorised

La EMA Tan solo recomienda que se modifique el Manual de uso del Yondelis al encontrarse un efecto secundario ( Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) ) para que los oncologos lo sepan y lo tengan en cuenta ... por lo demas todo sigue igual con respecto a su Comercialización y uso Clinico .

Hay que tener en cuenta que TODOS los  Farmacos tienen Efectos secundarios y más aún los Oncologicos ...  lo bueno es saberlo para tenerlo en cuenta y poder actuar al respecto correctamente .


Scientific conclusions :

Taking into account the PRAC Assessment Report on the PSUR(s) for trabectedin, the scientific conclusions of CHMP are as follows:

Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) is a rare entity characterized by recurrent and unpredictable attacks of capillary leakage of plasma fluid and proteins throughout the endothelium. Capillary leak syndrome (CLS) is usually characterized by peripheral oedema, hypotension which is relatively well tolerated, oliguria with acute pre-renal failure. In some patients, a compartment syndrome can occur.

CLS can be idiopathic (Clarkson’s disease) or secondary to various conditions and treatments. Secondary CLSs are mostly due to malignant hematological diseases, viral infections, and treatments such as chemotherapies and therapeutic growth factors.

Based on a cumulative review of suspected CLS cases, there is evidence to suggest a casual association between CLS and the use of trabectedin. A cumulative review of the 102 suspected CLS cases performed by an independent experts committee concluded that CLS was considered as possible in 48 cases (defined as more information needed to exclude or confirm that diagnostic
criteria were met); CLS was considered probable (defined as a very strong clinical suspicion) in 14 cases (all from clinical trial or solicited sources). Causality was assessed as doubtful in 3 of these cases and at least possible in the remaining 11 cases.

Therefore, in view of the data presented in the reviewed PSUR, the PRAC considered that changes to the product information of medicinal products containing trabectedin were warranted.

The CHMP agrees with the scientific conclusions made by the PRAC.

Grounds for the variation to the terms of the marketing authorisation(s)
On the basis of the scientific conclusions for trabectedin the CHMP is of the opinion that the benefit-risk balance of the medicinal product(s) containing trabectedin is unchanged subject to the proposed changes to the product information

The CHMP recommends that the terms of the marketing authorisation(s) should be varied.

FDA . Agenda : On June 21, 2017 . PM01183 Figura en el Orden del Día para Evaluar su posible I+D Pediatrica .

Resultado de imagen de fda pediatric

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES // Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) .

[Docket No. FDA-2017-N-2731]

Pediatric Oncology Subcommittee of the Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket; Request for Comments .

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice; establishment of a public docket; request for comments.

Agenda : On June 21, 2017 .

Information will be presented to gauge investigator interest in exploring potential pediatric development plans for three products in various stages of development for adult cancer indications.

The subcommittee will consider and discuss issues concerning diseases to be studied, patient populations to be included, and possible study designs in the development of these products for pediatric use.

The discussion will also provide information to the Agency pertinent to the formulation of written requests for pediatric studies, if appropriate.

The products under consideration are:

*.- APX-005M, Presentation by Apexigen, INC .

*.- PMO1183 ( Lurbinectedin ), Presentation by PharmaMar USA INC .

*.- ASP2215 (gilteritinib), Presentation by Astellas Pharma Global Development, INC .

Mariano Barbacid: "La única actividad que realmente causa cáncer es fumar" /// el cáncer no es una sola enfermedad sino un conjunto de más de 100 enfermedades .

Imagen de la noticia para cancer de RTVESegún el oncólogo, fumar aumenta por 1.000 la probabilidad de tener cáncer de pulmón .

El investigador ha hablado también de la relación entre esta enfermedad y la edad .

20.06.2017 | LAS MAÑANAS DE RNE .

"Es importante que la sociedad sepa que el cáncer no es una sola enfermedad sino un conjunto de más de 100 enfermedades, hay más cánceres que enfermedades infecciosas y nadie confunde un cólera con una gripe, ¿no?". Son palabras de Mariano Barbacid, presidente del Consejo Científico Asesor de la Fundación Gadea por la Ciencia, en Las mañanas de RNE, y continúa: "por ello se debe hablar de cánceres mejor que de cáncer".

Referencia mundial en la lucha contra el cáncer, el investigador y oncólogo molecular se define como un "trabajador de la ciencia". Entre sus logros está el aislamiento, por primera vez, de un gen mutado humano que estaba implicado en un tumor, lo que supuso un avance de gran trascendencia en la investigación contra esta enfermedad.


Salut solo paga los fármacos innovadores contra el cáncer si funcionan en los pacientes .

* La Generalitat acuerda con la industria un sistema de corresponsabilización en la financiación de los tratamientos oncológicos .

* El método, aplicado a 890 enfermos, permite que la sanidad pública incorpore las terapias novedosas sin romper el presupuesto .