11 enero 2010

Yondelis/Doxil Ovario en la Revista International Journal of Gynecological Cancer del mes de Diciember 2009 .

International Journal of Gynecological Cancer:
December 2009 - Volume 19 - Issue 11 - pp S63-S67

Changing the Paradigm in the Treatment of Platinum-Sensitive Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: From Platinum Doublets to Nonplatinum Doublets and Adding Antiangiogenesis Compounds .
Monk, Bradley J. MD; Coleman, Robert L. MD

Conclusions: The term platinum sensitive should probably be replaced by chemotherapy sensitive, particularly as new nonplatinum agents and combinations are identified as active in this setting. Nonplatinum doublets are effective in treating platinum-sensitive recurrent disease, and adding antiangiogenesis agents to these combinations is a research priority.