12 septiembre 2023

SMALL_CELL_LUNG_CANCER . I+D SEGUNDA LÍNEA CON ABBV-011 BY ABBVIE . POST BY AJMC // DR. TOMAS STINCHCOMBE : Mi Esperanza es Qué Pueda Reemplazar la Quimioterapia Stándar en el Contexto de Segunda Línea .

El Anticuerpo Conjugado - Fármaco SEZ 6 es uno de los Ensayos Que Realizamos Recientemente ... Mi Esperanza es Que Pueda Mejorar la Eficacia Terapéutica y Que Disminuya los Eventos Adversos Y Tal Vez Reemplazar la Quimioterapia Stándar en el Contexto de Segunda Línea .

Dr Tom Stinchcombe Highlights Challenges in Treating SCLC .

AJMC : What Are You Working On In Small Cell Lung Cáncer That You're Excited To Share ? .

Stinchcombe :
 My Colleague at Duke, Neal Ready, MD, PhD, heads our Small Cell Lung Cáncer Subgroup of things, and he's looked at a number of Antibody-Drug Conjugates looking at specific markers . 

SEZ 6 Antibody-Drug Conjugate was one of the trials that we recently had a trial, and there other agents in this class .

My Hope Is That These May Improve The Therapeutic Efficacy To Adverse Event Ratio Among Small Cell Lung Cáncer, And Maybe Replace Standard Chemotherapy in The SECOND-LINE Setting .

This is a complex task when consider Biomarker development and making sure that you have the correct dose . But I think that that's a promising venue. We've seen progress in Non–Small Cell Lung Cáncer With HER2 mutations with Antibody Drug Conjugates .

Hopefully, They'll Bring Another Therapeutic Option To Our Small Cell Lung Cáncer Patients . ...