21 febrero 2012

LipoDOX tiene el mismo principio activo que Doxil y se usara para Cancer de Ovario . Fin de la pesadilla de los últimos 8 meses para las Pacientes .

FDA said it will allow Lipodox, which is made by Sun Pharma Global FZE and distributed by Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, to be imported into the U.S. as an alternative to Doxil. The drugs have the same active ingredient. FDA said Doxil is used in multiple treatment regimens, including treatment of ovarian cancer after failure of platinum-based chemotherapy. The drug is also indicated for use in AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma and multiple myeloma.

"FDA anticipates that the incoming supply of Lipodox will be able to fully meet patient needs," the agency said in a statement.
