Top-line data from the Zepsyre (aka lurbinectedin and PM1183) Phase III in Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer is due by early 2018. A Second Pivotal Study is evaluating Zepsyre ( Lurbinectedin ) in combination with Doxorubicin in patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer ( SCLC ). A Phase III in BRCA2-Mutated Breast Cancer is Planned, and Pivotal studies in Endometrial Cancer have been flagged following a 44% response rate in Phase I. *********************
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PM01183 ( Zepsyre / Lurbinectedin . Un Farmaco que la Comunidad Cientifica Internacional sigue con Interes Creciente ... Principalmente en EEUU . Esta ya Terminando la Fase III Ovario . En Pulmón tambien esta en Fase III y en breve iniciara otras dos Fases III ... Mama y Endometrio .
************************* Debu Tripathy, MD // Published Online: Thursday, Dec 14, 2017. Debu Tripathy, MD, professor of medicine, chair, Department of Breast Medical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, discusses lurbinectedin (PM01183) for patients with breast cancer. According to Tripathy, lurbinectedin effects how DNA divides. This was tested in patients with breast cancer who had BRCA1/2 mutations and was found to be active and lead to temporary progressions. The trial was amended to include patients with BRCA1/2 mutations who had received a prior PARP inhibitor. Randomized trials are needed to compare lurbinectedin to other treatments, such as PARP inhibitors. Research is also needed to determine if the regimen can be combined to demonstrate an even higher benefit, explains Tripathy.