31 mayo 2010

Noscira forma parte del Programa SyMBad ( Mª Curie )

SyMBaD ("Synapses: from Molecules to higher Brain function and Diseases") deals with the study of synapses and extends from molecules through higher brain function to diseases.

The SyMBaD international and research program is part of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network. It particularly aims to better understand the structure and function of the synapse in the normal and the pathological brain.


6 private companies : Amplitude systèmes (FR),BioXtal (CH),Explora Nova (FR),GSK (UK),Neurosearch (DK), Noscira (SP)


Le Festival des Oranges aux Pays Bas .

Zeltia , Novartis , Merck, Sharp & Dohme , ADIF , Renfe y Sanitas Patrocinan El Curso de verano Forética 2010 .

"RSE: Tendencias y retos para la empresa sostenible del 2020" ...


Glaucoma y Tratamientos .

Se dobla en tres décadas el índice de Mortandad por Melanoma .

El 'precipicio de patentes' se cebará con los gigantes farmacéuticos Pfizer y AstraZeneca .