... ADMYRE enrolled 255 patients from 83 medical centers in 19 countries who had relapsed or relapsed and refractory MM following at least 3 but no more than 6 previous therapeutic regimens. They found a 35% reduction in the risk of progression or death in patients treated with the combination of plitidepsin and dexamethasone over those treated with dexamethasone only. The research team will present the full results at an upcoming medical meeting.
“After the ADMYRE trial, the clinical research with plitidepsin will continue,” said Dr Mateos. “These results will be the starting point for further clinical trials based on plitidepsin.”
Following the announcement of the trial's results, PharmaMar, the developer of Aplidin and sponsor of the trial, announced its intent to submit a Marketing Authorization Application later this year to the European Medicines Agency.