... Conclusion :
The management of STS is a dynamic and complex process.
The introduction of new molecules with innovative multiple mechanisms of action, such as trabectedin, into the therapeutic armamentarium of STS underlines the complexity and potential importance of immunogenicity and microenvironment interactions in the pathogenesis of STS. The unique antitumor activity of trabectedin consists not only in its cytotoxic activity, but also in its ability to modulate the tumor microenvironment.
In several clinical trials, the use of trabectedin in L-sarcomas has led to an improvement in patient outcome.
However, the drug has also proven feasible in a variety of nonL-sarcoma histotypes, including chromosomal translocated sarcomas such as synovial sarcoma and SFT. It is hoped that the use of biomarkers in the future will guide the treatment of STS, optimizing the use of available antitumor agents in an appropriate sequential or a combination strategy .
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