Arturo Soto, MD: "we can observe that PM1183 shows efficacy both
in combination and as single agent" #ESMO2016.
Arturo Soto, MD: "At this year’s #ESMO2016 we will announce the latest breakthroughs obtained with lurbinectedin in multiple tumor types".

#ESMO16: Dr. Axel Le Cesne on the results of trabectedin vs best supportive care in advanced soft tissue sarcoma .
The authors concluded that the pre-planned PFS analysis in this study demonstrated a significant improvement in median PFS with trabectedin over BSCin patients with pretreated advanced STS of multiple histologies, thereby meeting the primary endpoint of the study.
A major impact of trabectedin was observed in the lipo-leiomyosarcoma STS cohort (median PFS in the BSC and trabectedin arm were 1.4 month and 5.13 month (HR: 0.29, p < 0.0001), respectively), whereas in the non lipo-leiomyosarcoma STS group the median PFS were 1.51 month and 1.8 month (statistically non-significant difference).