17 mayo 2014

Carmen Cuevas and co-workers from PharmaMar in Spain have reported in JACS on the isolation and syntheses of stellatolides .

Stellatolides, a New Cyclodepsipeptide Family from the Sponge Ecionemia acervus: Isolation, Solid-Phase Total Synthesis, and Full Structural Assignment of Stellatolide A .

Journal of The American Chemical Society . Copyright © 2014

The marine environment is a rich source of metabolites with potential therapeutic properties and applications for humans. Here we describe the first isolation, solid-phase total synthesis, and full structural assignment of a new class of cyclodepsipeptides from the Madagascan sponge Ecionemia acervus that shows in vitro cytotoxic activities at submicromolar concentrations. Seven structures belonging to a new family of compounds, given the general name stellatolides, were characterized. The sequence and stereochemistry of all the amino acids in these molecules were established by a combination of spectroscopic analysis, chemical degradation, and derivatization studies. Furthermore, the complete structure of stellatolide A was confirmed by an efficient solid-phase method for the first total synthesis and the full structural assignment of this molecule, including the asymmetric synthesis of the unique β-hydroxy acid moiety (Z)-3-hydroxy-6,8-dimethylnon-4-enoic acid.

Grifols distribuye en Europa 'Alphakit QuickScreen', para el diagnóstico del déficit de alfa-1-antitripsina .


Grifols ha iniciado la distribución en Europa de su dispositivo 'Alphakit QuickScreen', que cuenta con marca CE, y que facilita el diagnóstico del déficit de alfa-1-antitripsina (DAAT), una enfermedad rara y hereditaria que afecta aproximadamente a 100.000 personas en Europa que es la causa principal de enfisema pulmonar severo.

En concreto, la compañía va a comenzar la distribución del 'AlphaKit QuickScreen' en los países de la Unión Europea de manera progresiva, comenzando este mes en Alemania y, posteriormente, Austria, España, Italia y Portugal.
