Safety and Tolerability of Lurbinectedin (PM01183) in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome.
Benton, Christopher B; Chien, Kelly S; Tefferi, Ayalew; Rodriguez, Jose; Ravandi, Farhad; Daver, Naval; Jabbour, Elias; Jain, Nitin; Alvarado, Yesid; Kwari, Monica; Pierce, Sherry; Maiti, Abhishek; Hornbaker, Marisa; Santos, Margarida A; Martinez, Sara; Siguero, Mariano; Zblewski, Darci; Al-Kali, Aref; Hogan, William J; Kantarjian, Hagop; Pardanani, Animesh; Garcia-Manero, Guillermo.
Hematological Oncology : 2018-08-28.
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Leukemia, Houston, TX, USA.
Trabectedin is an FDA-approved DNA minor groove binder (MGB) that has activity against translocation-associated sarcomas. Lurbinectedin is a next-generation MGB with pre-clinical activity against myeloid leukemia cells.
A dose-finding phase 1 clinical trial was performed in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) with further assessment of safety and tolerability.
Forty-two patients with relapsed/refractory AML/MDS received lurbinectedin administered as a 1-hour intravenous infusion in a 3+3 study design.
Two dosing schedules were used: 3.5 mg, 5 mg, 7 mg, or 6 mg on days 1 and 8 or 2 mg, 3 mg, 1 mg, or 1.5 mg for 3 consecutive days on days 1 to 3. Three patients experienced dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs) of rhabdomyolysis (grade 4), hyperbilirubinemia (grade 3), and oral herpes (grade 3) with the days 1 and 8 schedule.
Otherwise, adverse events (AEs) mainly consisted of gastrointestinal manifestations (n=11), febrile neutropenia/infections (n=4), pulmonary toxicity (n=2), and renal failure (n=2). The most common laboratory abnormalities observed were an increase in creatinine (93%) and anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia (100%).
Overall, 33 of 42 patients (79%) had reduction in blasts in peripheral blood or bone marrow. One patient achieved a partial response and two patients a morphologic leukemia-free state. Most (n=30, 71%) were discontinued due to progressive disease. Early deaths occurred from disease-related causes that were not attributable to lurbinectedin. Four patients with a chromosome 11q21-23 abnormality had significantly greater bone marrow blast reduction than those without such abnormality, with decrease of 31±14% (n=4) vs. 8±8% (n=16), respectively (P=0.04).
Overall, lurbinectedin was safe and tolerated using the schedules and dose levels tested.
While no sustained remissions were observed, single-agent lurbinectedin was transiently leukemia suppressive for some patients.
31 agosto 2018
Sandra Ortega consigue ‘luz verde’ para doblar su apuesta por PharmaMar .

Rosp Corunna, el gigante inversor propiedad de Sandra Ortega, ha solicitado a la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) una autorización para elevar su participación en PharmaMar del actual 5% al 10%, tal y como avanzó OKDIARIOesta misma semana. Según fuentes próximas a la hija del fundador de Inditex, el organismo regulador de los mercados ya ha dado ‘luz verde’, con lo que las compras podrían estar produciéndose en estos mismos instantes.
Trabectedin for soft-tissue sarcoma safe, effective in elderly patients .
This subgroup analysis of the elderly population of ET743-SAR-3007 suggests that elderly patients with soft tissue sarcoma and good performance status can expect clinical benefit from trabectedin similar to that observed in younger patients. ...
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