* En este informe se centran en los 11 Farmacos con más posibilidades de salir al mercado y en el monto que podrían generar hasta 2018 .
Wednesday April 2014, Amsterdan .
RNAi drugs market could exceed $3bn by 2018, predicts new study .
A new report forecasts the world market for RNAi therapeutics, covering both optimistic and pessimistic scenarios in those medicines’ future sales. Revenues there could exceed $3bn in 2018. That forecast and others appear in RNAi for Therapeutic Applications: Technology and Market 2014-2024, published in February 2014. That analysis predicts the future of the overall RNAi market and leading RNAi-based medicines in clinical development.
The new analysis predicts the overall market for RNAi-based drugs will expand from 2015 to 2024, with high revenues possible. Future sales performances of ribonucleic acid interference (RNAi) therapies depend on their safety and efficacy compared with the available standard of care.
Hemant Mistry, a pharmaceutical industry analyst, said: “At present, in early 2014, there exist no RNAi-based therapeutics on the market. However, there has been great interest in this technology owing to its selective and targeted mode of action. Also the high specificity and potency of RNAi allows lower doses to be administered than for other therapies used in the same indication. This is an important factor in a therapeutic setting.
“The biggest challenge drug developers face there is with drug delivery. Naked RNA-based agents are reportedly unstable in circulation and vulnerable to degradation. Also, once inside the cells, they may induce innate immune responses, which could lead to eventual cell death. Therefore specialised drug delivery systems need to be developed in tandem with the drugs, to overcome this issue.”
The new report shows optimistic and conservative revenue forecasts to 2024 at overall world, product and national level.

It estimates sales of 11 RNAi-based drugs in clinical development, including these:
■ PF-655
■ QPI-1007
■ SYL040012
■ ARC-520
■ SPC3649 (Miravirsen).
That study’s research, data and analyses cover activities of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Arrowhead Research Corporation, RXi Pharmaceuticals, Silence Therapeutics, Tekmira Pharmaceuticals and other companies. It also contains interviews with that industry.