S&P Mantiene los Ratings de Grifols tras la Compra de Unidad de Novartis .
La agencia de calificación crediticia Standard & Poor's (S&P) ha confirmado el rating 'BB' a largo plazo, y también los ratings 'BB+' para la deuda garantizada y 'B+' para la deuda no garantizada.
Este informe de la agencia se produce después de que la multinacional de hemoderivados catalana haya alcanzado el acuerdo para adquirir la unidad de diagnóstico transfusional de la empresa suiza Novartis (Xetra: NOTA.DE - noticias) por 1.675 millones de dólares (1.245 millones de euros).
S&P ha considerado que el apalancamiento tendrá un perfil de riesgo financiero "significativo", pero apoyado por el sólido rendimiento y la generación de caja de la compañía farmacéutica.
14 noviembre 2013
Yondelis / PLD en Cáncer de Ovario Recurrente ( Platino Sensible ) . Resultados de Fase III OVA 301 Indican que la Baja Expresión de la Proteína Nibrina esta Asociada a un Mejor Resultado Clínico en Pacientes con ROC Tratados con la Combinación de Yondelis® y PLD. .
Gynecologic Oncology , November 2013 .
Nibrin is a marker of clinical outcome in patients with advanced serous ovarian cancer treated in the phase III OVA-301 trial ☆ .
This study investigated the relationship between 13 proteins involved in DNA damage and the outcomes of patients with recurrent ovarian cancer (ROC).
Patients and methods
Immunohistochemistry staining was performed in 114 diagnostic samples from patients with serous ROC who participated in the OVA-301 study, which compared pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) with a combination of trabectedin plus PLD. Percentage of positive cells for every marker was calculated and correlated with overall response rate (ORR), progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS).
A statistically significant correlation between high levels of nibrin and lower ORR (P = 0.03), shorter PFS (P = 0.007) and shorter OS (P = 0.01) was observed. After stratification, in patients with platinum-sensitive disease treated with the combination of trabectedin plus PLD, high levels of nibrin correlated with lower ORR (P = 0.01) and shorter PFS (P = 0.02). A better clinical outcome (ORR, PFS and OS) was also associated to low levels of CHK2 in trabectedin plus PLD treated patients. No correlations were found in PLD-treated patients. According to the results of a multivariate analysis, there was a statistically significant correlation between high nibrin (P = 0.001) and low BRCA2 levels (P = 0.03) and a worse PFS, and between high nibrin levels and a worse OS (P = 0.006).
Our results indicate that high nibrin expression seems to be associated with a worse clinical outcome in serous ROC, particularly in patients treated with the combination trabectedin plus PLD. Prospective studies to determine clinical usefulness of nibrin as a possible biomarker in other series of patients with ROC are warranted.
Nibrin is a marker of clinical outcome in patients with advanced serous ovarian cancer treated in the phase III OVA-301 trial ☆ .
This study investigated the relationship between 13 proteins involved in DNA damage and the outcomes of patients with recurrent ovarian cancer (ROC).
Patients and methods
Immunohistochemistry staining was performed in 114 diagnostic samples from patients with serous ROC who participated in the OVA-301 study, which compared pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) with a combination of trabectedin plus PLD. Percentage of positive cells for every marker was calculated and correlated with overall response rate (ORR), progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS).
A statistically significant correlation between high levels of nibrin and lower ORR (P = 0.03), shorter PFS (P = 0.007) and shorter OS (P = 0.01) was observed. After stratification, in patients with platinum-sensitive disease treated with the combination of trabectedin plus PLD, high levels of nibrin correlated with lower ORR (P = 0.01) and shorter PFS (P = 0.02). A better clinical outcome (ORR, PFS and OS) was also associated to low levels of CHK2 in trabectedin plus PLD treated patients. No correlations were found in PLD-treated patients. According to the results of a multivariate analysis, there was a statistically significant correlation between high nibrin (P = 0.001) and low BRCA2 levels (P = 0.03) and a worse PFS, and between high nibrin levels and a worse OS (P = 0.006).
Our results indicate that high nibrin expression seems to be associated with a worse clinical outcome in serous ROC, particularly in patients treated with the combination trabectedin plus PLD. Prospective studies to determine clinical usefulness of nibrin as a possible biomarker in other series of patients with ROC are warranted.
La Presidenta de la Asociación Española de Bioempresas (ASEBIO), Regina Revilla; el Vicepresidente primero de ASEBIO, José María Fernández Sousa-Faro y el adjunto a la presidencia de ASEBIO, Jorge Barrero, se han reunido este jueves en Toledo con la presidenta de Castilla La Mancha, María Dolores de Cospedal, a quien han trasladado las oportunidades que representa la bioeconomía para esta comunidad.
Asebio considera positivo el anticipo de créditos fiscales para I+D+i previsto en la Ley de Emprendedores ... Sin embargo, ha lamentado que no haya incluido medidas más ambiciosas para atraer la inversión extranjera .
Asebio considera positivo el anticipo de créditos fiscales para I+D+i previsto en la Ley de Emprendedores ... Sin embargo, ha lamentado que no haya incluido medidas más ambiciosas para atraer la inversión extranjera .
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