*.- RX Securities hacen tambien Hincapie en que " NO han incluido aún en esta valoración " la posibilidad de que Yondelis pudiera obtener la Aprobación EU para Tratar Cáncer de Ovario en Pacientes Sensibles a los Tratamientos con Platinos . Se trata de la Fase III ( Inovatyon ) que esta en su Recta final .
De Aprobarse Inovatyon y salir al mercado las Ventas logicamente serían más altas .

RX Securities :
We believe that if the Yondelis® combination demonstrates superiority in INOVATYON, this will significantly enhance Yondelis®’s competitive positioning in the European ovarian cancer market, which we believe will translate to enhanced sales. We expect interim PFS data around mid-2018 with final OS data reported in 2019.
In Europe, we believe there is potential upside for Yondelis® in ovarian cancer if results from the Phase III INOVATYON study in partially-platinum sensitive patients are positive – more effective penetration of the platinum-sensitive setting (which contains ~23,000 patients in Europe) would lead to enhanced sales, though we also conservatively exclude this development from our forecast at this time.
In STS and ovarian cancer in all regions combined, we forecast peak Yondelis® sales of over €280 million in 2025.