Author(s): Roberta Sanfilippo, Vittoria Colia, Elena Fumagalli, Rossella Bertulli, Carlo Morosi, Antonella Messina, Silvana Pilotti, Angelo Paolo Dei Tos, Alessandro Gronchi, Paolo G Casali; Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milano, Italy, Milan, Italy; Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy; Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy; Azienda ULSS 9 Treviso, Treviso, Italy
Abstract Disclosures
Background: To explore the time to secondary resistance after rechallenge with T in MRCLPS patients who were responding to T at the time of discontinuation. Methods: Since September 2002, 62 patients with recurrent myxoid liposarcoma received T at our institution.
According to RECIST, 2/62 patients had a complete response (CR), 34/62 a partial response (PR) (CR+PR = 58%), 18/62 (29%) a stable disease (SD) and 8/62 (13%) a progression disease (PD).
Median PFS was 14 months. Among the 54/62 patients who obtained a stable disease or a partial response after the first assessment, 28/54 interrupted treatment in absence of progression, while 26/54 patients received T until progression disease. Time to secondary resistance was defined as time from the first cycle of T to progression, whenever it occurs (including under T reintroduction).
Results: In the 28 pts in whom Trabectedin was interrupted (11 for surgery of the residual disease, 1 for radiotherapy , 3 for toxicity and 13 for shared decision with clinician) , this was done after a median of 14 cycles (range = 6-21) and the median PFS was 24 months. 17 of them resumed treatment at the time of progression (F = 8, M = 9, median age = 51, range = 32-76). After rechallange, no PD was seen at first assessment, and time to secondary resistance was 48 months. In the 26 pts who went on with T until progression, PFS (i.e., time to secondary resistance) was 11 months.
Conclusions: Rechallenge with T may be successful in selected patients with myxoid liposarcoma primarily responding to the drug and stopping it after a while. In this series, the choice to continue or stop the drug after response was of course at the discretion of the clinician, and selection biases are likely.
Prospective studies on optimization of treatment strategy with T in MRCLPS are worthwhile.
31 mayo 2015
City of Hope Ovarian Cancer Research and Clinical Trials .
May 30, 2015 22:59·
In collaboration with physicians and scientists at the National Cancer Institute, Food and Drug Administration, and other centers of academic excellence, the Program is committed to developing effective means for the accurate detection of women at risk with the ultimate goal of detecting pre-malignant disease and prevention. By answering specific questions a woman will be told her risk for developing specific cancers such as gynecologic, breast and colon cancers, and how to change those risks. About 10% of women who have ovarian cancer have it without ovaries present in the body. Nearly 3 of 4 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer survive a year after being diagnosed and nearly half of those women live longer than 5 years. This makes ovarian cancer the fourth most common cause of death of women from cancer. Sometimes in the early stages of ovarian cancer, a woman can still conceive, because only one ovary will be removed.
In the meantime, Orofino continues to spread the word about the symptoms of ovarian cancer. The way the radiation therapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.
There are many factors that may increase your risk of ovarian cancer. They traveled together to Uganda last fall to meet with their counterparts at the Uganda Cancer Institute and to immerse themselves in shaping their research.
Ovacome is United Kingdom wide support group for anyone affected by ovarian cancer. This approach to cancer therapy has proven successful in other cancer types and is likely to prove fruitful for ovarian cancer. Researchers are currently examining whether drugs called checkpoint inhibitors may boost the immune system's ability to destroy cancer cells.
The results of this study will shift the paradigm for ovarian cancer treatment from one that treats patients solely with chemotherapy that targets the rapidly proliferating cells to one that targets both the rapidly proliferating "bulk tumor" cells and the quiescent CSC. The p53 gene plays a key role in controlling cell growth, high frequency of p53 mutations in ovarian cancers and the potential of ovarian cancer to remain confined to the pelvic cavity. It has been shown, however, that removal of all visible manifestations of the tumor (often referred to as debulking surgery), followed by chemotherapy treatment, provides the best chance of a cure. When gefitinib is used in patients with lung cancer, researchers discovered that only patients whose tumors contained specific mutations responded to this drug.
The Drugs Trabectedin ( Yondelis® ) and Belotecan have shown promise in some studies.
HER-2/neu oncogene studies. In collaboration with Dr. Dennis Slamon, the research laboratory is studying the HER-2/neu oncogene as it relates to regulating steroid hormones in females with ovarian cancer.
When the drugs cisplatin and carboplatin stop working, the cancer is said to be platinum resistant. The International Newsleter for Those Fighting Ovarian Cancer, as a service to inform the public of available resources. So, the trial needs many patients to be able to show the difference. Research going on now is looking at the combined use of Avastin and chemotherapy. While most women will achieve complete remission after treatment (surgery and chemotherapy), the majority will relapse within two years, highlighting the need for novel therapies.
In collaboration with physicians and scientists at the National Cancer Institute, Food and Drug Administration, and other centers of academic excellence, the Program is committed to developing effective means for the accurate detection of women at risk with the ultimate goal of detecting pre-malignant disease and prevention. By answering specific questions a woman will be told her risk for developing specific cancers such as gynecologic, breast and colon cancers, and how to change those risks. About 10% of women who have ovarian cancer have it without ovaries present in the body. Nearly 3 of 4 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer survive a year after being diagnosed and nearly half of those women live longer than 5 years. This makes ovarian cancer the fourth most common cause of death of women from cancer. Sometimes in the early stages of ovarian cancer, a woman can still conceive, because only one ovary will be removed.
In the meantime, Orofino continues to spread the word about the symptoms of ovarian cancer. The way the radiation therapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.
There are many factors that may increase your risk of ovarian cancer. They traveled together to Uganda last fall to meet with their counterparts at the Uganda Cancer Institute and to immerse themselves in shaping their research.
Ovacome is United Kingdom wide support group for anyone affected by ovarian cancer. This approach to cancer therapy has proven successful in other cancer types and is likely to prove fruitful for ovarian cancer. Researchers are currently examining whether drugs called checkpoint inhibitors may boost the immune system's ability to destroy cancer cells.
The results of this study will shift the paradigm for ovarian cancer treatment from one that treats patients solely with chemotherapy that targets the rapidly proliferating cells to one that targets both the rapidly proliferating "bulk tumor" cells and the quiescent CSC. The p53 gene plays a key role in controlling cell growth, high frequency of p53 mutations in ovarian cancers and the potential of ovarian cancer to remain confined to the pelvic cavity. It has been shown, however, that removal of all visible manifestations of the tumor (often referred to as debulking surgery), followed by chemotherapy treatment, provides the best chance of a cure. When gefitinib is used in patients with lung cancer, researchers discovered that only patients whose tumors contained specific mutations responded to this drug.
The Drugs Trabectedin ( Yondelis® ) and Belotecan have shown promise in some studies.
HER-2/neu oncogene studies. In collaboration with Dr. Dennis Slamon, the research laboratory is studying the HER-2/neu oncogene as it relates to regulating steroid hormones in females with ovarian cancer.
When the drugs cisplatin and carboplatin stop working, the cancer is said to be platinum resistant. The International Newsleter for Those Fighting Ovarian Cancer, as a service to inform the public of available resources. So, the trial needs many patients to be able to show the difference. Research going on now is looking at the combined use of Avastin and chemotherapy. While most women will achieve complete remission after treatment (surgery and chemotherapy), the majority will relapse within two years, highlighting the need for novel therapies.
ASCO Annual Meeting! Sunday May 31 . A Retrospective Analysis of Patients with Soft Tissue Sarcoma Treated Long-term with Trabectedin .

Abstract Disclosures
Background: Treating STS with systemic therapy beyond six months is challenging due to cumulative toxicity. Trabectedin (T) has demonstrated efficacy and tolerability in STS and became available in 2005 through an expanded access program (EAP).
Results of the EAP noted better overall survival and response rates in patients (pts) with leiomyosarcoma (LMS) and liposarcoma (LPS) compared to other histologies. Multiple cycles of T were tolerable with 30% of pts receiving ≥ 6 cycles and 7% of pts receiving ≥ 1 year of therapy, but descriptions of pts receiving T beyond one year are limited.
Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of pts with STS at the University of Michigan and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center who received long-term (≥ 10 cycles) T. We further subdivided pts into those treated for more than one year (≥ 18 cycles) and two years (≥ 35 cycles). Variables evaluated included age, gender, histology, site of primary tumor, number of prior treatments, number of dose reductions, and reason for discontinuation of T.
Results: Four hundred and twenty-two pts treated with T were identified. Sixty-two pts (15%) received ≥ 10 cycles; 95% of these pts were treated on the EAP. Twenty-two pts (5%) were treated for ≥ 1 year and seven pts (2%) for ≥ 2 years. All pts treated for ≥ 1 year had LMS or LPS. Five pts (23%) treated for ≥ 1 year did not require a dose reduction. The primary reason for discontinuation of T was sarcoma progression.
Conclusions: Trabectedin is a tolerable long-term therapy for a subset of pts with STS. Pts with LMS and LPS may derive the most benefit from long-term treatment, but further study is needed in a larger number of pts.
Clinically relevant toxicities leading to T discontinuation beyond 1 year were fatigue and myelosuppression.
China Levanta mañana el Control de los Precios de la Mayoría de Medicamentos . Moody's considera que la medida hará que el Segundo Mercado Farmacéutico Mundial, después de EEUU, "sea aún más Atractivo para la Industria Farmacéutica" .
Pekín, 31 may (EFE).-
El Gobierno chino levanta mañana el control de los precios de la mayoría de los medicamentos, según estaba previsto, una medida que forma parte de una amplia reforma sanitaria que las autoridades del país acometen desde hace años.
Tal y como anunció la Comisión Nacional de Reforma y Desarrollo de China (CNRD) hace semanas, la iniciativa entra en vigor el 1 de junio, de forma que a partir de entonces será el mercado el que determine los precios de casi todos los medicamentos, excepto en el caso de los narcóticos y de ciertos psicotrópicos.
El Gobierno chino levanta mañana el control de los precios de la mayoría de los medicamentos, según estaba previsto, una medida que forma parte de una amplia reforma sanitaria que las autoridades del país acometen desde hace años.
Tal y como anunció la Comisión Nacional de Reforma y Desarrollo de China (CNRD) hace semanas, la iniciativa entra en vigor el 1 de junio, de forma que a partir de entonces será el mercado el que determine los precios de casi todos los medicamentos, excepto en el caso de los narcóticos y de ciertos psicotrópicos.
ASCO . Líderes en Oncología proponen Fondo Global contra el Cáncer .
Líderes en investigación científica, asociaciones civiles y la industria farmacéutica consideraron urgente crear un Fondo Mundial de Lucha contra el Cáncer que opere con una inversión inicial de 20 mil millones de dólares, para ayudar a países pobres donde falta acceso a tratamientos.
Muere de un Tumor Cerebral un hijo del Vicepresidente de EEUU .
EFE // Nueva York /// 31/05/2015 .
Beau Biden, de 46 años, hijo del vicepresidente estadounidense, Joe Biden, ha muerto en las últimas horas de un tumor cerebral.
El fallecimiento fue anunciado por el vicepresidente Biden en un comunicado oficial distribuido por la Casa Blanca, en el que dijo que su hijo había luchado contra el cáncer "con la misma integridad, valentía y fuerza que demostró cada día de su vida".
Joseph R. Biden III, el hijo mayor del vicepresidente, más conocido como Beau, fue fiscal general del estado de Delaware durante dos mandatos. Estaba casado y tenía dos hijos.
Según los medios estadounidenses, llevaba más de una semana recibiendo tratamiento en un centro médico de Washington.
Beau Biden, de 46 años, hijo del vicepresidente estadounidense, Joe Biden, ha muerto en las últimas horas de un tumor cerebral.
El fallecimiento fue anunciado por el vicepresidente Biden en un comunicado oficial distribuido por la Casa Blanca, en el que dijo que su hijo había luchado contra el cáncer "con la misma integridad, valentía y fuerza que demostró cada día de su vida".
Joseph R. Biden III, el hijo mayor del vicepresidente, más conocido como Beau, fue fiscal general del estado de Delaware durante dos mandatos. Estaba casado y tenía dos hijos.
Según los medios estadounidenses, llevaba más de una semana recibiendo tratamiento en un centro médico de Washington.
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