25 mayo 2022

EVUSHELD ( TREATMENT COVID By ASTRAZENECA ) Offers Vulnerable Americans Protection From COVID . But Getting it Has Been Complicated .

The Biden Administration ordered 1.7 Million Doses of Evusheld, But Around Three-Quarters of Those May Have Gone Unused, According to Some Estimates .

It’s Been About Six months since the Pharmaceutical maker AstraZeneca released a COVID-19 antibody treatment called Evusheld. It’s designed to stop COVID-19 from infecting people with weak immune systems. For many of them, the COVID vaccine doesn’t work. The government has approved Evusheld for emergency use and is in charge of buying and distributing it, as it was for COVID vaccines when they first rolled out.

But there’s been a disconnect between the amount of Evusheld the government bought and how much is getting to patients, said Marcia Boyce, who suffers from a blood cancer called chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The drugs she takes for her condition suppress her immune system. So after getting the COVID vaccine, she got tested to see if she had antibodies.

“For me, personally, I had zero. So after the two vaccines and a booster, I had still zero protection from COVID. I was upset,” Boyce said.

Evusheld works by delivering those antibodies directly. Boyce heard about it on a CLL Facebook group, then started one on Evusheld. “Everybody was talking about it and couldn’t wait to get it,” she said.

But it wasn’t available at her hospital in Illinois. She started looking for it in Florida, where she spends her winters.

“In the beginning, there were only four places in Florida that had it. I called all of them, and they only were doing it for their patients,” Boyce said.

She finally found a small, private clinic near Fort Lauderdale that could provide her with doses of Evusheld. As it turns out, that clinic had received more Evusheld doses than any other provider in Florida, including some of the state’s largest hospitals.

Dr. Dorry Segev, a transplant surgeon at New York University, said that’s not an isolated case. “The rollout of Evusheld has been complicated, confusing and frustrating for many people.”

He said that from the beginning, the math didn’t add up. The Biden administration ordered 1.7 million doses for the more than 7 million Americans who are immunocompromised. Yet by some estimates, around three-quarters of those Evusheld doses may have gone unused.

El Estudio de Eficacia de Paxlovid ( NIRMATRELVIR/RITONAVIR ) y Molnupiravir en Entornos del Mundo Real Muestra Resultados Positivos .



Los Medicamentos Antivirales Orales, MOLNUPIRAVIR y PAXLOVID ( NIRMATRELVIR/RITONAVIR ) Redujeron el Riesgo de Progresión de la Enfermedad y la Mortalidad Por Todas las Causas Incluso Frente a la SubVariante BA.2 de Omicron en entornos Reales . 

*.- Además, Redujeron la Carga Viral Más Rápido Que los Controles Emparejados .

*.- El Tratamiento con MOLNUPIRAVIR También Redujo el Riesgo de Iniciar la VMI; del Mismo Modo, la Terapia con NIRMATRELVIR/RITONAVIR Acortó la Duración de la Estancia Hospitalaria .

*.- Una Comparación Directa Mostró Que el Tratamiento con NIRMATRELVIR/RITONAVIR Redujo el Riesgo de Mortalidad Más Que el Uso de Molnupiravir . 

*.- En General, el Estudio Demostró Que Estos Antivirales Orales Podrían Tratar a las Personas con Mayor Riesgo de COVID-19 Grave . 

*.- Sin embargo, se Necesita más Investigación Para Informar la Seguridad y la Eficacia de los Antivirales Orales en Entornos, Poblaciones y Entornos de Atención Médica Específicos . ...

Consenso Del Mercado.com : PharmaMar, Meliá, CIE_Automotive y Almirall, Candidatos Que Podrían Abandonar el Ibex35 .


Vaxinia . Un Virus Creado Contra el Cáncer Que se Inyecta y Puede Reducir los Tumores de Colon, Pulmón, Mama, Ovario y Páncreas . By Imugene, Empresa de InmunoOncología .


IAG Anuncia un Programa de Recompra de Acciones de 32 Millones de euros . Podría Comprar unas 15.000.000 de Acciones , Representativas del 0,3% del Capital Social .


Las Compras se Realizarán en la Bolsa de Londres por un Importe Máximo Asignado de 32 Millones de euros, con un Máximo Número de Acciones a Comprar Hasta 15 Millones de Acciones, Representativas del 0,3% del Capital Social.

Las Acciones serán adquiridas a un precio que no excederá del que resulte superior entre el precio de la última operación independiente y el precio más alto independientemente ofertado en la Bolsa en el momento en el que se realice la operación.

El Programa comenzará el 24 de mayo de 2022 y terminará no más tarde del 5 de julio de 2022. Las acciones adquiridas al amparo del Programa se mantendrán en autocartera.