ResearchGate //Article · July 2017 // DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.7b00408 .
Schleissner C , Cañedo LM , Rodríguez P , Crespo C , Zúñiga P , Peñalver A , de la Calle F , Cuevas C .
Abstract :

During the past decade, different uncultivable bacteria symbionts have been proposed as the real producers of these compounds, such as those found in insects, lichen, and marine sponges, and their trans-AT polyketide synthase gene clusters have been identified.
Herein we report the isolation and biological activities of a new analogue of the pederin family, compound 1, from the culture of a marine heterotrophic alphaproteobacterium, Labrenzia sp. PHM005. This is the first report of the production of a pederin-type compound by a free-living marine bacteria that could be cultured in the laboratory.
En relación a Pederin :
Pederin bloquea la mitosis a niveles tan bajos como 1 ng / ml, mediante la inhibición de la proteína y síntesis de ADN sin afectar la síntesis de ARN, [7] previene la división celular, y se ha demostrado que puede prolongar la vida de los ratones que llevan una variedad de tumores.
Por estas razones, se le considera como un posible tratamiento contra el cáncer .