Audit of trabectedin use in high grade serous carcinoma
Background and Aims:
Background: We conducted a retrospective audit looking at the effectiveness of trabectedin in high grade serous carcinoma as a single agent and in combination with pegylated doxorubicin (PLD). All patients received at least three line of chemotherapy. Trabectedin plus PLD was given second line in two patients, third line in two patients and fourth line in two patients.
Retrospective audit of patient records.
One patients received two cycles, four patients received six cycles; and one patient received fifteen cycles. One patient progressed after two cycles, one patient mixed response, good in abdomen but new lung metastasis, one patient showed radiological stable disease, but with CA-125 response. Three patients showed CA-125 and radiological response.
Duration of survival was 14 months, 18 months, 30 months, 30 months, 38 months, 9 years and 15 years. The most common adverse events reported was fatigue and sepsis.
Conclusions: Trabectedin is an effective drug in combination with PLD for patients with previous response to platinum combination even with short progression free interval. Trabectedin has manageable toxicity profile.