23 septiembre 2014

Grifols Since its listing the company has enjoyed impressive growth. In seven years sales have exploded from €650m to €2.7bn, profits from €130m to €345m and employees from 4,000 to 12,000. Some 70pc of the workforce is in the USA .

Grifols, the Spanish niche firm whose blood is worth bottling .

Analysis : John Lynch /// Published 22/09/2014 .

The alchemists of old only dreamed of doing so but the company we are looking at today took an unworked medical concept and in less than 50 years turned it into a business that spans the globe and boasts sales of nearly €3bn. It is a Spanish company called Grifols and its business is blood. It develops, manufactures and markets plasma derivatives, diagnostic systems and medical materials in its industrial facilities in North America, Spain, Australia, Switzerland and in the future Grange Castle Business Park in Dublin.
