Two other key drugs for PharmaMar are Aplidin (plitidepsin), which is in Phase III for multiple myeloma and Phase II for T cell lymphoma, and Zalypsis, which is in Phase II for MM and Ewing's sarcoma. Making up the five compounds are two early-stage antitumour agents PM060184 and PM01183, for which impressive preliminary data have been seen.
12 abril 2012
Zeltia ends Irvalec trials to focus on core drugs .
Two other key drugs for PharmaMar are Aplidin (plitidepsin), which is in Phase III for multiple myeloma and Phase II for T cell lymphoma, and Zalypsis, which is in Phase II for MM and Ewing's sarcoma. Making up the five compounds are two early-stage antitumour agents PM060184 and PM01183, for which impressive preliminary data have been seen.