15 octubre 2008

Pharma Mar en el Congreso ECCO de la AACR , NCI , EORTC . Ginebra 21 al 24 Oct . Farmacos : ES-285 , Zalypsis e Irvalec .

*.- Reaparece el Farmaco de Pharma Mar ES-285 con los Resultados de Tres Ensayos en Fase I .
*.- Ha tener en cuenta que Zeltia comunico el 11-10-2006 el abandono del desarrollo Clinico del ES-285 .


*.- Abstrac 176 .- Outcome of three Phase I trials of the marine compound ES-285 (3 hour infusion) in patients with refractory solid tumors
P. Sch¨offski, V. Gr¨u .

*.- Abstrac 179 .- Phase I study of the novel anti-cancer drug PM00104 as a 1-hour weekly infusion resting every fourth week in patients with advanced solid tumors or lymphoma
J.C. Soria, R. Plummer, A. Soto, C. Massard, H. Calvert, R. Prados, E. Angevin, C. Jones, B. de las Heras .

*.- Abstrac 181 .- Evaluation of the marine compound PM02734 against a pediatric tumor cell line panel by ITCC preclinical drug evaluation program .
B. Geoerger, C. Lanvers, A. Verschuu, P. Aviles, C. Cuevas, J. Boos, G. Vassal, H. Caron

*.- Abstrac 193 .- Preclinical evaluation of the marine compound PM00104 within the ITCC pediatric tumor cell line panel in vitro and in vivo .
A. Verschuur, C. Lanvers, B. Geoerger, P. Aviles, P. Rodier, C. Cuevas, J. Boos, G. Vassal, H. Caron .

*.- Abstrac 317 .- Antiproliferative effects of PM02734, a novel marine cyclic peptide compared with currently used Erb-B inhibitors, in a panel of human cancer cell lines characterised for Erb-B expression .
M. Serova, I. Bieche, A. Ghoul, M. Vidaud, M. Aracil, J. Jimeno, S. Faivre, E. Raymond .