* Cáncer de Pulmón Microcitico ( Celulas Pequeñas ( SCLC ) ) junto al Cáncer de Pancreas son los Cancers más Mortiferos y con menos Tratamientos en el Mercado .
* Concretamente en SCLC son ya más de 60 los Fármacos que han intentado salir al mercado en los últimos 20 años ... y no lo han conseguido.
* Es por ello que las Grandes Farmaceuticas se centran más en la I+D del otro tipo de Cáncer de Pulmón ( Cáncer de Pulmón de Celulas NO Pequeñas ( NSCLC ) ) .
* Tras 20 años de no salir ni un solo Tratamiento en Segunda Linea para SCLC ... este año nos encontramos conque Zepsyre junto con Doxorubicina logra Supervivencias por encima de los 10 Meses .
MADRID, September 25, 2018 /PRNewswire .

*.- The Results are from Cohort B of the Phase I/II Study in Patients with Relapsed Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC). This Study preceded the Phase III ATLANTIS study with the same doses and a similar population .
*.- The poster has been presented at the World Congress of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC 2018), in Toronto .
*.- The data reveal an Overall Survival of 10.2 months in patients with SCLC and a chemotherapy free interval (CTFI) of 30 days or longer, reaching 11.5 months in platinum-sensitive patients .
*.- Safety data, Overall Survival and also Progression Free Survival can be observed on the poster .

An OS of 10.2 months has been observed in the study for patients treated with lurbinectedin in combination with doxorubicin in patients with a CTFI of 30 days or longer, reaching 11.5 months in platinum-sensitive patients (CTFI- equal or better than 90 days).
We believe that the OS periods observed in this trial are more favorable than those seen in historical trials of the primary treatments used for second line in SCLC, such as topotecan or the CAV combination (cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine).
This Phase I/II multicenter, clinical study has analyzed the second line treatment of patients with SCLC, corresponding to cohort B (n=27), of the study, involving a doses of 2mg/m[2] of lurbinectedin + 40mg/m[2] of doxorubicin, the same doses and similar population to that being evaluated in the randomized Phase III ATLANTIS Study. In July 2018 this study reached its recruitment objective of 600 patients from 160 centers in 20 countries, and the results are expected at the end of 2019.