01 febrero 2015

AntiBioticos . EEUU Invertirá 1200 millones en luchar contra las Bacterias Resistentes .

*.- En España hemos perdido 11000 investigadores desde el inicio de la crisis financiera.

*.- En el Mundo estamos en otra crisis, la de los antibióticos.

*.- En 20 años las muertes por enfermedades provocadas por bacterias superará al cancer.

*.- Por ese motivo los americanos invertirán 1200 millones y a nosotros no nos quedará más que pagar patentes .

*.- Esperemos que alguna Bio - Farmaceutica Española se posicione en esa linea de I+D y entre en la carrera por conseguir patentes y Tratamientos contra las Bacterias Resistentes .


By Kelly Servick 27 January 2015 .

In advance of the 2016 budget proposal, the White House has tipped its hand on one big priority: the fight against antibiotic resistance. A fact sheet released today describes how President Barack Obama plans to double the government's investment in combating the mounting public health crisis of drug-resistant infections by spreading roughly $1.2 billion in funding across several federal agencies.

That sum includes $650 million for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to study mechanisms of resistance in bacteria and promote the development of new antibiotics and diagnostics. Funding for NIH would also support a clinical trial network that would let drug developers more easily collect data across multiple clinics, according to the fact sheet.
