18 enero 2021

Grifols Inicia el Ensayo Clínico de un Nuevo Tratamiento Que Proporcionaría Inmunidad Inmediata Frente al COVID19 . Tendrá Como Investigadores Principales a los Drs Oriol Mitjà y Bonaventura Clotet . Los Resultados en Primavera.

The Treatment could be administered in primary care centers to people who test positive for COVID-19, avoiding hospitalization due to the progression of the disease and complementing the vaccine in the early phase after vaccination

The medicine, an anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin, given subcutaneously, would provide immediate protection after exposure to the virus and could be used to protect the elderly and healthcare workers. It could also be given to immunocompromised patients for whom the vaccination isn't indicated

The treatment is based on the Grifols immunoglobulin Gamunex®-C, and contains anti-SARS-COV-2 polyclonal antibodies from plasma donors who have recovered from COVID-19

The clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the plasma-derived medicine will have doctors Oriol Mitjà and Bonaventura Clotet as the principal researchers and is expected to begin in early 2021   
