18 abril 2012

Yondelis . Cancer Research UK : Small molecule drugs – optimizing DNA damaging agent-based therapeutics .

P.D.: Papel clave el que podría tener Yondelis en los Tratamientos Oncologicos ya que podría Mejorar y Potenciar la actuación de los Tratamientos actuales ...

Cancer Research UK Drug-DNA Interactions Research Group, UCL Cancer Institute, Paul O’Gorman Building, 72 Huntley Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK .

John A Hartley , Daniel Hochhauser

Available online 11 April 2012.

DNA-targeted chemotherapies remain fundamental in clinical management of both common solid tumours and hematologic malignancies. Recent studies indicate that novel combinations of cytotoxic chemotherapy may have significant activity even in tumours regarded as being resistant to conventional chemotherapy. In addition, the search for more selective and efficacious drugs that can deliver critical DNA damage with minimal side effects continues. Trabectedin, bendamustine and the pyrrolobenzodiazepine dimer SG2000 exemplify three different classes of DNA targeted agent undergoing clinical evaluation. Increasingly, DNA damaging drugs are being used in combination with novel agents such as small molecule inhibitors or antibodies targeting receptor tyrosine kinases. Understanding the mechanistic basis for interactions of these novel targeted agents with DNA-interactive drugs will inform design of optimal combinations for future studies and is critical to maximize benefit in the clinic.

Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Warren Buffett tiene cáncer de próstata .

Warren Buffett anunció este martes que los médicos le han diagnosticado un cáncer de próstata. El inversor dio la noticia a través de un comunicado publicado en la web de su fondo Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett explica que le han detectado a tiempo la enfermedad y que se someterá a un tratamiento de radioterapia que iniciará a mediados de julio.

"La buena noticia es que los médicos me han dicho que mi enfermedad no es una amenaza para mi vida ...